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Stoke 0 - 2 Boro

Stoke 0 - 2 Boro

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So wily Warnock wins his first game in charge with a solid hard-working performance from his team. As expected it wasn't that pretty but the players looked organised and were quick to close Stoke down.

After taking the lead with a well-taken header from a Roberts set-piece delivery it gave Boro every chance to secure a much-needed three points and after a shaky start to the second half, Tavernier came on for Roberts on the hour and promptly provided a moment of class as he received the ball on the left, cut inside and fired a well-struck shot from outside the box to make it two.

So give your thoughts on the game...


Click headline to read Redcar Red's match report…

Warlock Warnock Slays Stoke

Warnock’s Warriors made their bow down in the Potteries this afternoon at the bet365 Stadium. Hope on Teesside was lower than a snake’s belly at the final whistle of the Swansea debacle which just about summed up everything that went wrong with the previous incumbent. Bizarre team selection, no pace, no coherent formation, eleven players who just looked confused, and after 30 minutes shell shocked. Today couldn’t get any worse even though it was Warnock’s first game in a very short week taking training at Rockliffe...

This topic was modified 4 years ago 11 times by werdermouth

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Just got in from a walk having beaten the rain and having kinda forgotten about the football delighted to see the score.

Just need us to hang on for 3 much needed points - who saw this coming?  I didn’t 

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Bloody hell!  That thing of beauty known as a clean sheet coupled with goals scored at the other end!  🙂  The perfect start for Warnock!  🙂  Hull drew, so the goal difference there is now four.  🙂  According to Vic on Twitter, Saville had "a great game".

This post was modified 4 years ago by Stircrazy

Liked by jarkko
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Well made a mess of my Exmil challenge but delighted with the result.  

Not a good game from two poor teams. We were, however, more determined, organised and showed good game management which I have not seen from a Boro team in many a year.  

Rode our luck at times but deserved the win.  Need to make sure we don't throw the hard work away at Hull.  

Couldn't pick a MOTM as it was a battling performance from all.  Well done Boro and well done NW and his team. 

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A win is nice. And Hull did draw in the final minutes with 3-3 at Birmingham. 

Nice feeling and vital three points for Boro. Well done, Warnock and the boys. Up the Boro! 

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Didn’t see it but in our current predicament 3 points is the name of the game, regardless of how they are won. The time has long gone for pretty football, functional is the way it has to be.

Makes you wonder what Warnock has done that JW couldn’t manage?

Shame that Hull drew and it make our next game another must not lose game and another 3 points would be much better!

I won’t be winning the exmil challenge but if we stay up- who cares!


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Everybody worked really hard and we deserved to win but Stoke will point to a few missed chances. It wasn't that they were game changing but it was good to see substitutes come on and make a difference. Tav - goal and lots of work. Wing - lots of covering and its clear that he and Tav have a really good understanding. Shotton on to put an extra big body against the final onslaught. Looking at the other results it's terrifying to think where we would be if we had lost.

The Hull game won't be for the fainthearted.......or for the purists I would guess.

Well it's gone 2.00am. Time for bed and feeling a lot happier.


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Well, my Exmil Challenge is torpedoed too, but who cares because I'm sinking a few Estrellas in celebration. Well done Boro. A clean sheet and two in the right end. Brilliant.

The BBC said Boro were awarded a penalty, was that mistake on their part? Either way I don't care too much.

Stay safe everyone,



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I said before the game that I thought it was quite an attacking line-up that Warnock went with. The more I look at it, the more I think that it really was a bold selection for a must-not-lose game away from home: two strikers, a natural no. 10 in Roberts, two box-to-box midfielders and two attack-minded fullbacks.

it may not have been pretty - it was never going to be anything but a scrap - but we set out to win the game, battled hard with so much more energy than the previous game (amongst other things) and took two of the chances. You could argue that the result largely came down to us being a touch more ruthless than Stoke, but that itself is a giant leap forward.

its only one game but huge credit to Mr Warnock. We can enjoy our weekend.

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Just goes to show what can be done when the players take the field with the right attitude, recognise they need to battle and Then proceed to scrap their way to a vital win.  Full credit to Warnock for getting them to do it.

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Boro were well organised, determined and committed. They got stuck into the tackles, won the second ball, got the blocks and clearances in when required. I enjoyed watching, although the quality of football wasn't the best but we can worry about quality later.


A vital three points which will give the players a confidence boost, lets hope Hull will be feeling somewhat deflated after having given the lead away twice.


We have hope again.

Liked by Ken Smith, Malcolm and Andy R
Martin Bellamy
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The only benefit of the lockdown, football wise, is that I get to watch some games live. A great result from a battling performance. 

Liked by Malcolm
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Can't ask for more than that. Possibly the most comfortable win of the season. There was nothing magic about it just picking most of your best players in their best positions and them working hard for each other. When someone screwed up, someone else busted a gut (or nut) to help. 

At least our fate remains in our hands.

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As ever a change of manager should make a change (but doesn't always) today it did, and I am thankful for that. Such was the pressure that I am not going to knock anyone.

The manager was in a hole not of his making, and he had to stop digging, and did.

Loved the instant action from Tav. a lovely goal, pure class. Nice to see Wing on the field.

   They will both be starting next match, liked Fletcher, will be better with service, and will get it.

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Given the time that NW has had with the players, this was a massive result. They obviously responded to his workouts and tactics. They deserve praise too. UTB

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What a difference a week makes or more precisely what a difference a new manager makes in terms of getting a much needed performance. Though one man who always puts in a performance is here to give his take on Neil Warnock's first game in charge - it's Redcar Red and his match report...


Liked by 5 people: Pedro de Espana, Malcolm, Ken Smith, jarkko and Andy R
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This quote from Stoke’s manager says everything about today’s game and the change in attitude under Neil Warnock.


Stoke City manager Michael O'Neill told BBC Radio Stoke:

"We allowed ourselves in the first 20 minutes of the game to be bullied; we didn't deal with the physical threat.“

Liked by 4 people: Malcolm, Ken Smith, Andy R and Redcar Red
Ken Smith
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Posted by: @boro-beckys-dad

Just got in from a walk having beaten the rain and having kinda forgotten about the football delighted to see the score.

Just need us to hang on for 3 much needed points - who saw this coming?  I didn’t 

Neither did I and hardly anyone else. We might even see Barnsley and Luton continue winning so maybe 50+ points needed yet to be safe.

Liked by Redcar Red
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One swallow does not a summer make, but that was night & day compared to last weeks shambolic mess, it makes you wonder what has been going on at our football club, sorry mr gibsons club.  Refreshing that Colin told gestede to do one but it does question the rationale for playing him last week.

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It was very good and you wonder how much impact Warnock can possibly have in that short space of time.   Woody must be wondering why we couldn't deliver set pieces like that with him in charge.   Without wanting to be all doom and gloom the players really should ask themselves why there was such a difference.

Agree with the above about the team selection, three attacking players, four at the back and the 2 full backs are more comfortable going forward.  (Johnson at LB in a 4 is a very attacking move).

Simply I think we had confidence in ourselves and just concentrated on giving them things to worry about.


Liked by jarkko
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Pleasantly surprised by the performance and win today. It really looked like the players actually knew what their individual jobs were.

Credit to the new coaching/management team for getting off to a great start and hopefully raising confidence levels.



Clive Hurren
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What a difference a few days make! I thought it was brilliant how we worked as a team. All for one and one for all. Never say die. Get stuck in and don’t let the rest of the lads (or the manager!) down. Defend from the front, and press high, strangling the opposition’s counters. This was absolutely typified by our ‘They shall not pass’ attitude in our own box. Stoke had several really good chances (and should have taken one or two of them) but Boro put bodies on the line (and body parts in the case of Stojanovic!) and blocked everything superbly.  I’m amazed at how quickly Neil Warnock has made this team of former misfits organised and effective. Well done, one and all. I know it’s early days, but after today I am much more confident that we’ll stay up. 

Oh, and getting shot of Gestede is a master stroke. ‘You might as well go home now,’ is what Warnock said to him when the useless lump refused to play beyond the end of June. Brilliant. Got it in one, Neil. Many of us thought he had often declined to play even when chosen in the squad. 

This post was modified 4 years ago 2 times by Clive Hurren

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No real surprise regarding Gestede, his decision and Ayala's sums up their characters perfectly. Probably Boro's worst signing ever and there's been some doozies.

Liked by Forever Dormo
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Posted by: @clive-hurren

What a difference a few days make! I thought it was brilliant how we worked as a team. All for one and one for all. Never say die. Get stuck in and don’t let the rest of the lads (or the manager!) down. Defend from the front, and press high, strangling the opposition’s counters. This was absolutely typified by our ‘They shall not pass’ attitude in our own box. Stoke had several really good chances (and should have taken one or two of them) but Boro put bodies on the line (and body parts in the case of Stojanovic!) and blocked everything superbly.  I’m amazed at how quickly Neil Warnock has made this team of former misfits organised and effective. Well done, one and all. I know it’s early days, but after today I am much more confident that we’ll stay up. 

Oh, and getting shot of Gestede is a master stroke. ‘You might as well go home now,’ is what Warnock said to him when the useless lump refused to play beyond the end of June. Brilliant. Got it in one, Neil. Many of us thought he had often declined to play even when chosen in the squad. 

Yes, we were a bit lucky to keep a clean sheet. But we played much better and kept our shape better than last week.

Other than the beginning of the second half, we defended better. Attitude was and concentration was better. And Warnock even followed our new club policy of playing 4-3-3 😂.

Up the Boro! 

Liked by Forever Dormo
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Many thanks Redcar Red, It may not have been pretty but it was pretty effective. A win is a win and I'd like to think that atmosphere was something different on the coach home. After that display it was pretty evident that last week style of play meant Boro were going down, one thing Mr Warnock does seem to be doing is instilling some pride back in the squad, I know it's only one game but the psychological lift seems to be huge.

Anyway, well done Boro and especially Mr Warnock and his team, he, they, lifted the team and the supporters too.

Stay safe,



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Well, AV said it was  a different formation. At Stoke Boro lined up with a 4-1-3-2 formation according to him.

But as Ian says, formation is not all but how you play and the attitude. And AV continues that Warnock's team executed the high-press that Jonathan Woodgate wanted but couldn't implement. And Boro were well drilled and well disciplined and kept their shape and maintained a high tempo.

So I am looking forward to reading commets by our expert summerizer,  Redcar Red.

Up the Boro! 

This post was modified 4 years ago by jarkko

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Posted by: @jarkko

So I am looking forward to reading commets by our expert summerizer,  Redcar Red.

Just to remind everyone I posted a link to RR's match report yesterday - see the link on the opening post to this thread...


This post was modified 4 years ago by werdermouth

Liked by Redcar Red
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Posted by: @werdermouth
Posted by: @jarkko

So I am looking forward to reading commets by our expert summerizer,  Redcar Red.

Just to remind everyone I posted a link to RR's match report yesterday - see the link on the opening post to this thread...


Match Reports are under the "Blog" Heading just to the right of "Forum" (where we are now) at the top of the page.

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From The Sunday Times:

Neil Warnock weaves his old magic for Middlesbrough

Stoke City 0 Middlesbrough 2

Gregor Robertson

Neil Warnock enjoyed a successful return to management as Middlesbrough secured victory away to Stoke City. The 71-year-old, who left Cardiff City in November, replaced Jonathan Woodgate after last Saturday’s 3-0 home defeat by Swansea City left the Teessiders above the relegation zone on goal difference.

Goals in each half from Ashley Fletcher and Marcus Tavernier gave Middlesbrough only a second win in 13 games and lifted them to 19th, a point and a place above Stoke, and two above a congested relegation zone. “We’ve had three days with them and worked very hard on how we wanted them to play, and it was great to see it come off,” said Warnock, in his 18th job of a 40-year managerial career.

He made six changes and the away side took a deserved lead midway through the first half when Fletcher glanced in a wicked free kick from Patrick Roberts for his ninth goal of the season. The second arrived just after the hour mark after Warnock replaced the impressive Roberts with Tavernier, the substitute cutting in and curling in a fine shot from 20 yards.

Middlesbrough’s defensive frailties were clear when James McClean had a shot blocked within 20 seconds of the restart, then hit the post minutes later. Michael O’Neill, the Stoke manager, who saw Nick Powell sent off for two late petty tackles, rued those “gilt-edged chances” as Warnock’s side held firm. “What I really liked was the way we died at the end to keep our goal intact, flung bodies there, headers,” Warnock said.

Star man Ashley Fletcher (Middlesbrough).


Stoke City (4-5-1): Butland 6 — Smith 6, Batth 6, Chester 5, Martins Indi 6 (Vokes 59min, 5) — Sorensen 5 (Ince 41, 5), Thompson 6 (Cousins 59, 5), Clucas 6, Powell 6, McClean 6 — Campbell (Gregory 79). Booked Powell. Sent-off Powell.

Middlesbrough (4-3-3): Stojanovic 7 — Spence 7, Fry 6, Friend 6, Johnson 6 — Howson 6, Saville 6 (Shotton 81), McNair 6 (Wing 63, 5) — Roberts 7 (Tavernier 61, 7), Fletcher 7, Assombalonga 6. Booked Wing.

Referee M Donohue.

This post was modified 4 years ago by Stircrazy

Liked by Ken Smith
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@stircrazy I actually watched the Boro stream and Saville had his best game for Boro. 

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