Good analysis. If I was asked to name the best example of long term astute recruiting I'd go for Morris but I don't know who was finally responsible for getting this done.
I'm also curious to know why this line is being pushed at all at the moment. I can't see any reason why Scott should be vulnerable. Even for the most grumpy of supporters, the transfer record over the last two or three years- including some necessary sales - is a pretty positive story and he must have been at least partially involved in bringing in Carrick, who is an excellent manager who will only get better.
Looking back, Spence and Tavernier sales were 'grown-up' pieces of business and acquiring and selling Rogers was clearly quite a coup. Morris, VDB and Latte Lath have been great buys and other very solid acquisitions that come to mind include Clarke, Lenihan, Bangura, Bergzorg, Barlaser, Ayling and Dieng. There are always some like Hoppe who don't quite work out but we are in a position to be patient with players like Gilbert, Hamilton and Silvera as well as some youngsters who are doing well in the Academy.
Does anyone have any knowledge as to what is actually going on ..... and should we be worried.
I must say having read the Craig John's piece you refer to it does have a ghost-written club public statement feel to it - although rather worryingly to me, its purpose appeared to be the justification to supporters for the reluctant sale of Latte Lath in the January window.
It seems to suggest the club are looking at a deal in excess of £20m safe in the knowledge that Conway is now ready to be the number one striker and that they would hope to secure a PL loan striker as backup to Conway - with all the disclaimers that clubs not in receipt of parachute payments have no choice but to accept big offers and the recruitment department have made plans to ameliorate the unfortunate situation.
it was mentioned West Ham watched Latte Lath score a hat-trick at Oxford and if you join all the dots in the article it basically says he will most likely be sold but trust the recruitment department to make the right calls again.
@werdermouth and @lenmasterman.
Couldn't we just sell Doak on the quiet for £50 million and tell Luverpool we don't know what happened to him, he just didn't turn up for training one morning.
Elsewhere, the Echo was wondering if McCabe could be loaned out in January. He has not had a lot of game time this season.
Another interesting point was referred to injured Aidan Morris. Hayden Hackney is back fit now, and Morris expected to return before the turn of the year. I hope this is true and we will see Miorris in a month's time.
Up the Boro!
Nice one and to the point Len. Tangled webs and all that. Do they believe it? I would like to add, if I may, that the best journalism about Boro is to be found on this blog. A fine post Len.
Martin, as you can probably guess, Kieran Scott is not on Len’s Christmas card list 😂😂😂.@lenmasterman Wow. That’s quite an expose and indictment of Craig Johns and Kieron Scott. Let’s see how it all plays out.
Come on BORO.
@martin-bellamy - This isn't going to be a criticism of Craig Johns or, indeed, Kieron Scott.
A Free Press is generally thought to be one of the bulwarks to help support life in a free State as we have known in the liberal, democratic West for a century or more. I am aware that things are different in Russia, Belarus, North Korea, Iran etc. Whether our newpapers hold that bulwark status now is perhaps debatable. Fewer people read national "paper" newspapers any more (I must be one of the remaining few) as many get most of their news not only through online versions of those papers but by Facebook etc. The conspiracies outnumber the actual news. I mean, if it's been put out on Facebook it MUST be true, musn't it? I now rarely get the Evening Gazette whereas a few years ago I might have bought and read it at least a couple of times a week. I am aware of the Teesside Live version of our local news but there are so many "pop-up" advertisements that reading it is no pleasure to me and often I give up because it isn't worth the effort and far too annoying. For that reason, articles by people like Craig Johns must surely get a much smaller readership than, say, Cliff Mitchell or Anthony Vickers (I loved his sense of humour) had in their day.
People might listen to the news on the radio or follow the news on the TV. The commercial music radio stations tend to give brief news headlines only. Radios 4 and 5 give more in-depth news and Times Radio also has interviews with people in the news and, of course, there are the online/YouTube versions of TalkRadio, TalkSport, GBNews, LBC etc.
I am catholic in my news-gathering habits. Radio 4's Today in the morning and sometimes World At One at lunchtime, occasionally a bit of Radio 5 (more often for the sport but then the BBCSport App comes into play), occasionally the odd bit of TalkRadio and TimesRadio, and BBC News on the TV. But also Deutsch Welle and very occasionally (if prompted by a Twitter "nudge") Sky News. I listen to BBC Tees if there is some major local issue that I'm aware of (like bad weather closing roads if I'm about to make a journey) and, obviously, to listen to Boro games. And as to the papers I buy maybe a couple of Telegraphs and a Times in midweek and copies of the Saturday and Sunday versions of both. On occasions I will substitute an "i" newspaper for a Times or Telegraph (it's certainly muich cheaper than either of the heavyweight pair!).
Having said all that: it is quite clear that the BBC isn't held in the regard it once was. Neither are the papers - I remember Keith Waterhouse writing in the Daily Mirror decades ago. I haven't read the Mirror for decades. Maybe crticism of the BBC is a British thing rather than a view held abroad, I don't know, but I hear a lot of criticism of the Beeb in the Ploated Pheasant - not that I've been there for 2 weeks. It's criticised a lot for being "too left wing" by some and "too right wing" by others - often for the same story/interview/programme, which might say as much about the complainers as about the BBC programme in question (on the point of which I USED to watch BBC's Question Time but can no longer bear it). The tone of interviews these days is often cited critically. I'm old enough to remember interviews by Andrew Neill and by Robin Day and they were no shrinking violets but there was usually a respect between interviewer and interviewee and a feeling that the interviewer at least knew his subject.
(If you want to hear a proper modern interview, have a look at some of the interviews of musicians by Rick Beato on his YouTube channel. He asks questions where it is clear he knows his stuff. He gives the interviewee time to give a proper answer without interruption and often the interviewee will say something we didn't previously know/hadn't considered).
I'm sick of seeing/hearing crowds of journalists around 10 Downing Street or wherever when some new topic is high on the agenda, and you'll hear a voice shouting out "Are you going to resign, Minister/Prime Minister? Will you resign over the illegal war (or whatever the topic is today)?" I'd love to see the Minister or whoever it is, stop suddenly in his tracks, maybe rub his chin as he looks into the distance, and then turn to the journalist who shouted, and reply "Let me think about it", then, after a suitable pause, continue with "No!" before going on his way. There never is any reply. Why do the journos do it? To hear their own voice shouting loudly on the TV later? To see who can appear the most boorish?
There has been a rich history. The investigative journalism of WT Stead and Harold Evans at the Northern Echo, with Evans going on to greater acclaim at The Sunday Times, programmes like Panorama on the BBC and World In Action on ITV. Where are their modern equivalents?
I particularly dislike the self-promoting claim that "We're telling Truth to Power". Whose VERSION of the truth? And, apart from the rare occasion like John Sweeney to Vladimir Putin, when do they put really difficult matters to really powerful people, or is that too risky? Some of the intervewing carried out after sporting events is particularly galling. We might as well begin by asking, off-mic, which lollypops can be served up so that the interviewee can show him/herself in the best possible light. Team loses 5-0 at home; "Well, Bobby, that was a difficult game, wasn't it?"
All in all, I couldn't say that Craig Johns is any less a sports journo than many others in the same role. It must be less than comfortable to know that, if your job is primarily to cover Club A, any articles that you write which are overtly critical of decisions made by its manager or senior officials will not go down well with Club A. What if we lose the club's advertising spend? (Is it really tha big?). Maybe the journos need to know they will have the editor's support? We can no doubt remember that Newcastle United for a while banned The Journal for some perceived criticism/inaccuracies put into print. Of course the other side of that coin is for the paper to print a story saying "Lots of supporters are critical of Club A and previously we have felt unable to put what WE know into print for fear of problems with the club. For raising perfectly properly the concerns of you, the club's supporters, this newspaper has now been banned from the club. Well, from now on, the gloves are off. We intend to publish the unvarnished truth and you supporters can now read it here, knowing that we will have no reason to hide anything from you. If you want to know what's REALLY going on at Club A, look here..."
Burnley? That's a couple of days away. I'm NOT going to the pub tonight (Arsenal v ManU and Newcastle v Liverpool etc) after all. Friday, especially if the Boro game is on the TV, is another thing... How do you order a drink these days? Is it necessary to stand in a queue or will the bar staff come to collect my order as I sit down? Will there be an "App" for it?
SORRY - It was surely The Chronical that was banned, not the Journal?
That’s a quite brilliant starter! Loved it! We really are spoiled on here, aren’t we?
I rather tend to agree with those who think we might have a chance at Burnley, IF they come out and attack us. That will allow us more space to play our fast counter-attacking game. As somebody said, they haven’t met any team of our calibre or with our attacking prowess for a few weeks.
Having said that, Sunland, playing at home no less, deliberately sought to stop us playing that game by shutting up shop and parking the bus. It worked for them. Given that BFC aren’t exactly prolific scorers will Scott Parker adopt the same strategy? My guess is that would be a big gamble: the competition for the automatic spots at the top of this league is intense, so he will presumably want to win.
I do think Burnley will see this as a big challenge. We’ll need to be at our best, undoubtedly. If you offered me a draw now I’d definitely take it.
@forever-dormo I read the Guardian online everyday (I’m a subscriber) but, like you, struggle to read online newspapers with pop-ups aplenty.
The BBC does seem to upset as many left wingers as right thinking voters, so maybe it’s getting the balance about right. We have Radio4 on most of the day but I’m finding it increasingly more difficult to listen to the content. I certainly don’t enjoy Today as much as I used to but that may say more about me than the programme.
Like you, Question Time is a broadcast that I can’t watch watch at all any more and don’t get me started on Vox Pops.
I do think that the standard of writing and discourse on this Forum is of a much higher standard than a lot of journalistic efforts - long may it continue.
Well put. It's very hard these days to find any source of news that is reasonably unbiased and free from underlying political views or applied pressure. I find that I spend more time listening to a reasonably small range of podcasts on which the presenters have sensible discussions about the news but, even then, I'm well aware that people bring their own prejudices.
All of this is not a problem for people who are aware of this process and keep a mental alarm ready to sound when commentators start to veer but, sadly, many people simply find posts, podcasts or reports that support their own views and so reinforce a slanted view of the world.
The issue of how people in power - be it in football, politics, or any other sphere - bring pressure to bear on quasi in-house journalists is not easy to solve. It's a constant struggle to find people who aren't subject to the same pressures.
I wish you the best of luck in ordering your drink and hope that you get a chance to raise it in celebration.
@Selwynoz Belated thanks for a very interesting and informative opener, which with your statistical analysis and that of Werdermouth's, gives much food for thought.
They don't score many and generally have only been winning by the odd goal so we must be in with a shout me thinks. Then you stop and think that one day they will score a hatful and who, if anyone, is likely to be on the receiving end, typical Boro per chance!
When you also consider their defensive record, which is the best in the league, then you begin to think how on earth will we score.
Many supporters subscribe to the view that previous results have no bearing on the game to come and that is probably fair comment. Nevertheless, how many times do we seem to struggle against certain teams, with Blackburn, Coventry, Bristol City and Preston being prime examples. Burnley, to a degree for me, fall into that category with little success against them whilst under MC's stewardship.
All of that being said, if we can play as we did at Leeds in the League Cup, well organised, defensively strong and move the ball quickly and accurately when in possession, then we are in with a chance if we take the few opportunities that will come our way.
Much has been said and written about the togetherness of the squad, the strength in depth and the adaptability. This has, however, not translated into consistency of performances or results and now is the time to begin to demonstrate that these aspects can be delivered.
The next three games could be season defining, a minimum of five points would see us probably cementing a top six position whilst anything in excess of five points would suggest that we are still capable of challenging and making up ground on the top two; anything less and we could be struggling for the rest of the season to cling to a top six place.
Hopefully we can put out as strong a side as possible and that we play as we have shown we can do at times this season, starting on the front foot with speed of movement and accurate passing, coupled with quality execution in the final third.
I am out to dinner tomorrow evening so will record the game and look to watch it once we return home, hopefully to see is come away with at least a point but ideally all three. CoB 😎
I’m currently deep in darkest Lancashire, not too far from Burnley, and the rain is like stair rods as we wait for Fish & Chips in Banny’s, Colne. I certainly wouldn’t like to be playing in these conditions - hopefully the storm will pass before Friday.
I fancy us to grab a point at Turf Moor - I’m going for 1-1.
This has happened before, that the papers take ideas from the blog.Darragh Lenihan returned from a ten-month injury absence as he scored Middlesbrough’s winner in July's friendly victory at Gateshead.
That was at the end July, but we haven't heard much about him since. He has had obviously some setbacks with niggles and possibly some problems with the original injury, too.
Originally he suffered a serious ankle injury in September 2023, that eventually required surgery.
Has anyone any info about Leninhan now? I expected him to be back around the same time as Fry, but it is totally quiet on his inury news. He was superb when he was fit.
So any news about his recovery, anyone? Up the Boro!
They now answered my question about Leninhan:
Up the Boro!
Tough few games ahead with Burnley home and away, Leeds away , Millwall( home?) and Plymouth away ( hope when Boro play them Rooney is NOT sacked for obvious reasons).
I’d be happy if Boro get a total of 9 points out of these games as this would probably keep them in the top 6 and then hopefully do better, points wise, in future games.
A total of 10 points out would be a real achievement .
Realistically , I’m not sure what the team will ,or can, achieve.
Philip of Huddersfield
locals here are happy being 4 th in Division 1
Thank you Selwynoz for your excellent Headliner full to the brim with interesting stats, and then topped up to overflowing with werder's bit.
I will be more than happy with a draw. However we do need to keep picking up an average of two points a game to cement our top six position.
I do not believe we have chance of the top two as our defence is not good enough consistently.
Personally, I do not generally have any real issues with Craig Johns articles. It must be difficult to criticise a performance and possibly the Coach, then turn up for the next pre match presser and ask awkward questions, whilst maintaining a relationship with your "team". I appreciate Johns is not a Boro fan as such.
He has posted an article this week which will need some thinking about by the Boro Coach. Who to dump from the 25, if we need to bring in extra players in January.
Do we include, Smith, Lenihan and Bangura? Will we lose Latte Lath and need to loan a replacement? Where do we strengthen if we are in the top six, but need a boost in certain positions. We do not appear to have much wriggle room and possibly MC may have to be ruthless.
I have a sneaking feeling or idea in the back of my mind that Latte Lath is leaving and it is signed and sorted verbally if not on paper. Gentleman's agreement, is there any such thing in football? Maybe I have a suspicious mind and as supporters we are being taken for fools?
Anyway there's too much between the lines when you are have a Teesside Boro supporter suspicious nature, can't believe there's only me with that idea. It will all come out in the wash.
I just wish they'd get on with the matter in hand. Will tomorrow's team tell us anything?
I'll just stew over night.
ATB everyone.
Had a look at the squad list on the EFL website, both Smith and Lenihan are in the 25 but Bangura isn't. Interestingly Ben Doak is listed in the 25 even though he is under 21. Probably loans are treated differently. Rav van den berg is not one of the 25 as he is under 21. So most likely Smith would lose out if we need to sign someone to make room.
@john-richardson Do you think ELL will make his way eastwards in your general direction. Would Ipswich still want him?
@mw-in-darwin. Yes, loan players, irrespective of age are registered in the 25.
@martin-bellamy I do not know. I depends which set of figures the agent is salivating over. If he is going I hope it's sorted and not like the affair in the Summer. I don't think the team need all the backchat that goes with transfer chewing away in the background. Whatever happens it will be presented as a propaganda victory.
It would be a surprise if LL went to Ipswich now. They spent over 100 million pounds in the last window and brought in 5 forward players although they play Szmodic in midfield. One of those was Jack Clarke from Sunderland who appears not to be coping with life in the Premier League. They also would need to move someone as they have the full 25 players. They are most likely to need defenders with some Premier League experience as most of their summer recruits were Championship players. LL is more likely to go to West Ham I think, if he goes lure of London etc.
If we accept Werdermouth's inference that the Latte Lath deal may happen, what amount makes sense? I'm thinking that Pds25 million is the lowest that we should accept. It may even happen that a touch of desperation will push a West Ham up closer to Pds 30 million. That would be hard to turn down.
The other question is whether we would accept another mega-bid for, say, VDB or Hackney. I'm inclined to say 'no'. It really feels that promotion is a realistic possibility this year and it would be a big blow if we were to lose two of our crown jewels.
Interesting times.
I will be optimistic today. We should be as good a team as them. So small margins and perhaps luck will make the difference in the result at Burnley.
Two totally different playing styles, so it will be won between the ears of the players. We are usually stronger away from home than at the Riverside, where the opposition tends to park the buss and play deep.
I will go for a 1-2 win, but I would be happy with draw, too. Up the Boro!
At the end of the day if somebody offers acceptable money a player will leave, of the players who have left recently I would say only Morgan Rogers has flourished. If ELL wants to play for Ipswich and they come across with the cash so be it. In all likelihood they will be playing in same div as us next season. At the end of the day most of our players who leave will end up playing/warming bench for bottom half PL league teams. Hackney linked with hammers, RVB linked with Palace.
It's just disappointing if they leave in January but as the great man says it is what it is.
If Boro are serious about promotion this season than losing Lathe Lath would be a serious blow - OK, the club would bank quite a bit of money but getting a replacement in January is never easy and there would be no point in spending big if the sale was about securing financial gain. The alternative is getting in a loan option but these tend to be players with little pitch time behind them and they take quite while to be match fit - probably around March.
While it's OK saying Conway is ready to be the main striker but if he were to get injured then what? It would most likely leave the team performing below what would be required. So on balance it would surely be a move that would make promotion less likely - which given we have been gifted Doak only until the summer and then the expected loss of other key players then for me it's about keeping hold of all players until the end of the season.
Likewise, losing Finn Azaz would also leave the team much weaker but losing Hackney could probably be managed better as he hasn't been missed as much when he was unavailable.
... and things change so quickly.
A mere month ago Boro fans and, no doubt, Steve Gibson and the recruitment team will have been ruing their decision not to snap Ipswich's hand off for that rumoured £20 million for Latte Lath. He wasn't scoring and was out of the team.
That may well be on their minds the next time around.
And don't forget that to follow the Rogers' coup with a similar one for Latte Lath will further enhance the recruitment team's reputation for making massive profits from their discovery of hidden gems.
In personal terms that is a massive plus to have on your CV as it's a skill that couldn't be in greater demand in today's game. It was the fact that Kieron Scott was part of the Norwich team who discovered Buendia and Pukki that was largely responsible for his being appointed to the Boro job.
High winds and heavy rain on an already sodden Turf Moor may put tonight's match at some risk, but I fancy Burnley 0 Boro 3
Agreed Werder. We will have injuries and saying that we have cover for strikers in Burgzorg and Forss doesn't cut it in my view, any more than it did last season when Forss and Greenwood were deemed to be stand-in strikers. In fact it proved to be even more disastrous than that when even Silvera had to be drafted in to the role.