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Getting Started

[Sticky] Getting Started

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Before members can post comments they
need to obtain a password in order to do so

With the addition to Diasboro of a new Discussion Forum (see box below), this module requires users to login with a password, which means most existing members must either register or request a new password as the previous login only used a username and email.

However, since it is not completely clear who WordPress classes as an existing member (possibly those who have been previously invited by Diasboro to be a contributor in the past are or those who also have a WordPress account through another site) you must first check if you are already registered.

It’s a slight complication but it should still means existing members can retain their Diasboro identities, Gravatar icons and link to their historic posts. So please follow these steps:

Register as a 'new' member

  1. First go to the register page and enter your usual username and email address that you used to previously log-in to Diasboro – plus also enter a password of your choice (plus repeat) and then click on the register button.
  2. If that is processed successfully then you can then proceed to the log-in page and use the details and password you just submitted. The rest of these instructions no longer apply to you.
  3. If you receive a message that someone with your username or email already exists then you will need to request a new password instead in the steps below.

Already an 'existing' member

If you received a message when trying to register that someone with that username or email already exists then it means you will instead just need to request a new password

  1. You get a new password by going to the log-in page and then clicking on the ‘Lost your password?’ link at the bottom of the form.
  2. It will then take you to the Get New Password page
  3. Enter your usual Diasboro email or username - note username is sometimes different from your name that displays when you post, therefore your log-in email is probably the safest bet - and then click on the ‘Get New Password’ button.
  4. You will then be sent an email by diasboro.club (which will likely arrive in your junk-mail folder) containing a link
  5. Click on that link in the email, which will then redirect you to a page to enter a new password.
  6. Once you’ve added a new password, confirmed it and clicked on ‘Reset Password’, you should see a message that your password has been successfully changed
  7. You can then log-in to Diasboro.club

If you experience any problems with this process then please send a message by clicking on ‘contact’ in the menu at the top of the page and I’ll get back to you to try and resolve the issue.

This topic was modified 4 years ago 4 times by werdermouth

Site Creator
Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 2286
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I've moved Allan's and Pedro's queries to the 'Site Feedback' thread I just created as this one was aimed at explaining how to register.


This post was modified 4 years ago by werdermouth
