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A brutal year... fi...

A brutal year... first Jack, now Maurice...

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"We seem to have reached the age where life stops giving us things and starts taking them away."

-- Dean Charles Stanforth (Jim Broadbent), Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull

Two days ago, Maurice Setters joined Big Jack in the sky. It’s been written that, as a player, he was hard, uncompromising, in-your-face... and a natural leader, so much so that he was Manchester United captain during an especially turbulent time. And then there was the Charlton connection - being best man to Bobby, and his time as assistant manager to Jack, where especially fond memories in both Sheffield and Ireland were created.

Bizarrely, he was once described by another Manchester United captain* as "a yes man, a bluffer". As a United fan named Tom once wrote:

"(Setters) had given almost sixty years of his life to the game of football as a player, manager, assistant manager, and coach. Yes Men, and Bluffers, certainly do not survive for so long in the harsh world of both professional club and international football. So it is rather surprising that this statement was ever made... Both of these men were hard uncompromising players during their playing time. No nonsense, in your face characters who, as captains, drove their teams forward and gave no quarter nor looked for any in return. They expected nothing more than total commitment and one hundred per cent effort from their team mates."

*Yep... a certain Roy M. Keane.
